Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Here is a comment I want to bring up to the top.

" Hello Geno researchers, this is Randy Caban-Rosario my DNA results show Haplogroups I-L161 paternal and A2AM maternal, This was done through National Geographic and Family Tree DNA. Another breakdown is Mediterranean 42%, Northern European 25%, Native American 12%, Southwest Asian 11% and Sub-Saharan African 7%."

Randy, that's fantastic! I can't do the Y-DNA testing but I did the Ancestry.com test and the results amazed me. Here's mine:

Italy/Greece - 30%
Great Britain - 21%
Ireland - 15%
Iberian Peninsula - 10%
Native American - 9%
African - Senegal - 5%

If you have done the test and want to share your ethnicity, please feel free to do so here in the comments area! 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

 This is my sister and me with our grandmother, Margarita Rodriguez Y Soto de Cabán. 1957.

I have not been able to find any documentation or published articles about the Cabáns coming to PR as early as 1720. I believe it, because some respected people have said that the information is there, but does anyone know where it can be accessed?

Also, when doing your family tree... how do you do your surnames? Do you put it as Cabán Y Rodriguez (for example?) Or Cabán Rodriguez? Or do you use a singular patriarchal surname (Cabán) the Anglo way?

Finally, an anonymous commentator suggested looking at Saludos Webzine (http://content.yudu.com/Ax0fa/saludos/resources/1.htm) for articles on Cabán origins. Has anyone had success with this? I can only see the current issue, which has some interesting articles on Hispanic employment but nothing on genealogy of any sort!