Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Here is a comment I want to bring up to the top.

" Hello Geno researchers, this is Randy Caban-Rosario my DNA results show Haplogroups I-L161 paternal and A2AM maternal, This was done through National Geographic and Family Tree DNA. Another breakdown is Mediterranean 42%, Northern European 25%, Native American 12%, Southwest Asian 11% and Sub-Saharan African 7%."

Randy, that's fantastic! I can't do the Y-DNA testing but I did the Ancestry.com test and the results amazed me. Here's mine:

Italy/Greece - 30%
Great Britain - 21%
Ireland - 15%
Iberian Peninsula - 10%
Native American - 9%
African - Senegal - 5%

If you have done the test and want to share your ethnicity, please feel free to do so here in the comments area!